Ottawa, Ontario
Big leap for rookie parliamentarian
Teodoro ‘Ted’ Alcuitas
Editor, (PCN.Com)
In an emotional and passionate oath-taking never before seen in cabinet swearing-in ceremonies at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, Rechie Valdez captured the attention of the nation this morning as she broke into tears reciting her oath.
Her show of emotion caught everybody by surprise in what is an otherwise boring and mundane ceremony, prompting a CBC reporter to call her a “rock star”.

The Liberal member from Mississauga-Streetsville was first elected in 2020 as the first and only Filipina Canadian ever elected to Canada’s Parliament since Winnipeg’s Dr. Rey Pagtakhan’s election in 1988. Pagtakhan got his first cabinet appointment 13 years later in his fourth term, holding three different positions until his defeat in 2004.
The 43-year old mother of three is well suited for the portfolio being an entrepreneur herself and small business owner before entering politics.
Related reading:
Rechie Valdez: First Filipina Member of Parliament (MP)takes her seat at the table