Class of 2020: It takes a global village to graduate

Updated:December 31, 2020, 3:20 PM


Gerald Tembrevilla finishes Ph.D from UBC

Teodoro ‘Ted’ Alcuitas

Editor, Philippine Canadian news.Com

While it takes a village to raise a child, a recent doctoral graduate says it takes a global village to complete a doctoral degree.

Gerald G. Tembrevilla, ‘Tembs’ to friends, graduated with a PhD in Curriculum Studies, Major in Science (Physics) Education from the University of British Columbia (UBC).

He is currently pursuing a Post-doctoral course at McMaster University.

He says he is grateful to family, friends, colleagues, mentors and students around the world for helping him successfully complete his academic studies.

A native of Valladolid, Negros Occidental, Tembrevilla went to Ramon Torres National High School and the West Visayas State University before pursuing post graduate studies at Okayama University in Okayama, Japan.

From there, it was a long journey from his hometown of Valladolid to the halls of UBC in Canada, to the U.S. and Cambridge on visiting fellowships.

While at UBC, he was active with STEM Fellowship, a student-run, non-profit organization that connects and empowers young innovators.

Among his numerous awards are: The University of British Columbia
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Public Scholars Initiative Award, UBC International Tuition Award and Faculty of Education Graduate Scholar and Faculty of Education Research Travel Award, University of British Columbia.


He co-edited and edited the continuing UBC Blog Virtual and Augmented Reality Resources 4 STEM Teachers as well as the Science and Math Education videos for all online database of STEM videos for K-12 Curriculum to Promote STEM Literacy, Dept. of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia.

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