Melita, Manitoba
Town names street after Dr. Dizon
By Ted Alcuitas
The town of Melita has honoured its long-serving doctor with a street named after him.
Dr. Aquilino Dizon, Jr. served the town since 1973 and continues his practice, albeit on shorter hours.
The 78-year old grandfather is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas and came to Canada from the U.S. in 1968 when his visa expired.
He still lives in the town of just a thousand residents with his wife, Emma Yatco.
“For me, this is home,” he told Philippine Canadian when reached by phone from his home in Melita.
Melita is 320 km. SW of Winnipeg.
Summit Street from the Main Street corner to Townsend’s corner will also be known as Dr. Dizon Drive. According to a press release, this location was chosen for the commemorative naming because the Melita and Area Hospital is along this street.
Residents can continue using Summit Street on their addresses, says the release.