Mag-asawa binastos sa skytrain

Vancouver, B.C.

Woman spews racist rant against Filipino couple in sky train

Binatikos naman ng iba

By Ted Alcuitas

An elderly Filipino couple was subjected to a racist rant by a white woman passenger inside a sky train, Monday, August 21.

According to one witness, Paula Correa who is Filipina, she was riding on the Millennium Line at around noon when she saw a woman interrupt the couple’s conversation and tell them to be quiet.

Correa caught part of the incident on video and provided it to media.

The video shows a woman berating an elderly Filipino couple who were speaking to each other in Filipino.

Eventually, the woman told them to, “Go back to the f—ing Philippines.”

She also told them to “learn how to speak English.”
English is one of the two official languages of the Philippines.

“Filipinos are mostly bilingual,” said Correa. “We speak both English and Tagalog or whatever dialect we speak. It’s ridiculous how ignorant people are. The couple was replying to [her] perfectly well in English.”

Correa said other passengers stepped in to defend the couple.

According to witnesses, the unidentified woman went off on the couple because she thought they were speaking too loud on the crowded train.

“I was born and raised right here,” the woman shouted at the couple before adding, “Go back to the f*cking Philippines.”

As the woman continued to berate the couple, a teenager stood up for them, telling the woman to leave them alone and get off the train.

The woman then turned her rage on the teen, calling him “a loser,” and raging at him, “You f*cking little boy –you think you’re so big.”

According to News1130, the woman got off the train before authorities showed up, but they are familiar with her and her outbursts. She has previously received warnings.

“She becomes extremely angry, uses her temper and does various things in the throes of her anger. There’s no physical violence involved but it appears to be more verbal,” explained Transit Police spokesperson Ann Drennan.

According to the report other passengers on the train apologized to the couple after the woman departed.







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