We print the following comment from Migrante B.C. to the story we posted:
It is important to get clarifications and here is the most recent statement on the issue of Mary Jane Veloso. Please read below.
Press Statement September 13, 2016 Renato M. Reyes, Jr. BAYAN secretary general
We welcome clarifications made by Malacanang that President Rodrigo Duterte has not given a go-signal for the execution of Mary Jane Veloso. It is important now that Malacanang further clarifies what concrete steps have been taken to save the life of Veloso. We understand that her execution has been put on hold to allow her to testify against her labor recruiter. She however remains on death row. Our government’s appeal to Indonesia should go beyond “follow your own law”. The Filipino people need to be assured that government is doing all it can to save Mary Jane who is the real victim in this case. We urge the President to meet with the family of Mary Jane to explain the steps and prospects for getting her out of death row. We call on the President to address the nation during this most critical time.
The Filipino people and the Philippine Government should speak with one voice in appealing for clemency and for bringing Mary Jane home. That should be our bottom line. ###