‘Offering’ – the Dance performance that Covid almost cancelled

Vancouver, B. C.

Live-streamed tomorrow, Saturday & Sunday at 3 PM

Like many others impacted by the pandemic, Alvin Erasga Tolentino was planning a performance long before Covid struck.

Antonio Somera. (Faceook)

To commemorate Co. Erasga’s 20th anniversary, he was envisioning a large-scale performance but was stymied by the onset of the pandemic with all its attendant health restrictions.

So, ‘Offering’ came into being as a scaled-down version – six solo performances done virtually and a much smaller live

Joshua Ongcol. (Facebook)


The six artists: Joshua Ongcol, Olivia J. Shaffer, Marc Arboleda, Antonio Somera, Molly McDermott and Marissa Wong performed individually but are then brought together in a live-streamed performance at

The show will happen online tomorrow,Saturday and Sunday at 3 PM. Tickets are on a sliding scale by donation, $5-$30. Tickets: https://www.simplyk.io/ticketing/5f36fea89a77220029a29e00…


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