Sarmiento talks to media after the verdict.
Vancouver, B.C.
Celebrating the life of a brave and courageous woman
By Ted Alcuitas
The life of Leticia ‘Letty’ M. Sarmiento who died on June 5, 2018, will be celebrated on Sunday, June 17 at St.Barnabas Anglican Church, 1010 – 5th Ave. New Westminster.The celebration will be from 3 – 6 PM. The church can be reached by taking the 155 bus (Braid Sta. -Hospital)from the 22nd St. skytrain station. It is a block from Moody Park in New West. on 5th St.
Sarmiento was the domestic worker who was trafficked from Hong Kong to Vancouver by her employer and won the first human trafficking case under the Immigration Act in 2013.
In a victim impact statement read at the sentencing she said she is no longer able to trust others since the ordeal.
“Now I doubt everything people say. I am afraid to let someone help me,” the statement read.
“I did good things and worked hard for Mr. Orr,( the accused) believing my kids would join me [in Canada] when the time comes. I cry all the time and get flashbacks.”
Yet, she was able to cope with the trauma and went on to volunteer in various community organizations fighting and advocating for Filipino workers.
Breaking: Leticia Sarmiento, who won Canada’s first trafficking case dies