Dance: Co. Erasga’s ‘Undivided Colours’ final show in Vancouver

The exceptional collection of four solo works from Canada’s leading Asian Canadian dance artists fuses in Undivided Colours. (Photo: Provided)

Vancouver, B.C.

Updated: May 29, 2019, 1 PM

2nd update: May 29, 2019, 6:40 PM

Artists unite in final show in Vancouver on June 6-7

“There is a breathe of harmony in this performance…” – Gupa

Undivided Colours in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver

The Dance Centre

The  Canadian tour of Undivided Colours ends in Vancouver on June 6-7 at the Dance Centre after a successful tour of Montreal and Toronto.

Together in an evening-length work, Peter Chin (Toronto), Hari Krishnan (Toronto), William Lau (Ottawa), and Alvin Erasga Tolentino (Vancouver), showcase their varied and rich dance heritages, including Peking Opera, Bharatanatyam  and contemporary dance fusion. The originality of these multicultural practices explores identity through contemporary voices, transcending the power of dance and the search for the third space, duality and spirituality. Not to miss this exceptional collection of four solo works from Canada’s leading Asian Canadian dance artists.


Professor Dennis Gupa


Theatre director and PhD Applied Theatre candidate Dennis D. Gupa posted this in his Facebook page.

“In 2014, I saw “Undivided Colours” and it touched my heart. While we see and experience disjointed and splitting of lives and communities because of power, partisanship, ignorance and apathy there are fearless artists like Alvin Erasga Tolentino who continues in seeking possibilities of coming together. In his performance space, gathering is an act of visibly taking action of undividing the world. The gestures he create are clues of what a world can look– diverse: contrasting but not conflicting, caring and celebratory. In “Undivided Colours”, Alvin is with Peter Chin, Hari Krishnan, and William Lau, together they will be performing at The Dance Center (677 Davie St Vancouver, BC V6B 2G6) on June 6, 2019 – June 7, 2019 Thursday June 6 – Friday at 8:00pm. There is a breathe of harmony in this performance event. I remember leaving the theatre with gratefulness of what visionary artists, like Alvin and his team can do to our world.”


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