Shalena (Guzman) Arquillano
Nursing, Edmonds Community College, Washington
Then: 2010 high school graduation, with boyfriend Michael Arquillano
Now: 2016 Nurse, with husband Michael Arquillano.
Shalena lives in Seattle, Washington.
Jada Nacario
Gr. 12, Riverside Secondary, Coquitlam, B.C.
The eldest daughter of Janet & Rey Nacario, Jada plans to go to Kwantlen University to pursue a Marketing degree.
Tyrone Madrid
Psychiatric Nursing
Douglas College
Surrey, B.C.
(L): Dad Lito, mom Linda, Tyrone, sisters Jennie Samson and Jelyssa. (FB)
Joseph Taculod , left, with classmate Tyrone Madrid
Psychiatric Nursing
Douglas College
Surrey, B.C.
Anton Bello
Doctor of Optometry
Plymouth University, England
Parents: Myrna Arquillano- Bello & Alfred Jr.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Late post:
Late post: 2015
Luisa Irene Isaac Fisher
Master of Information
Durham University
London, England
Joyce Isaac Bobby Bingcang
Richmond, B.C.
Please submit your graduates with info and pictures to:
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