Filipina caregiver Kherin Dimalanta (left) and employer Dr. Cathy Kyeremanteng. (Photo composite by Philippine Canadian News.Com)
Updated: March 10, 2023, 11:40 A.M.
Ottawa, Ontario
“…story of survival, a new lease at life, family reunification, and renewed hope. God is good.” – Narima Dela Cruz
Teodoro Alcuitas
Editor, Philippine Canadian News.Com
As the world celebrates International Women’s Day this month, it is fitting to celebrate the courage of two mothers – a Filipina caregiver and her employer who together, surmounted obstacles that resulted in this beautiful story of compassion and grit.
One has to leave her own children back home to care for other people’s children. The other needed a caregiver at home so that both she and her husband could continue to work in the frontlines of fighting a pandemic.
Six years ago, Dr. Cathy Ogilvie-Kyeremanteng and her husband, were looking for someone to take care of their growing family of four boys. They hired Kherin Dimalanta from the Philippines under the federal government’s Live-in Caregiver Program, the default childcare most Canadians resort to.
Last Thursday (March 2, 2023 ) Kherin got her kidney transplant and is now recovering in hospital – thanks to the heroic efforts of Dr. Cathy and numerous people who rallied behind Kherin. This is a testament to what can happen if a community unites for a cause.
Not only did Kherin got a kidney but she also got news of her approval to sponsor her own children. Now, after six long agonizing years , they can finally be reunited.
Dr. Cathy Ogilvie-Kyeremanteng visits Kherin after her kidney transplant operation. (Photo provided by Dr. Kyeremanteng)
A happy Kherin shows off cards she received after a successful kidney transplant. (Photo provided by Dr. Cathy Kyeremanteng)
From a Facebook post by Dr.Cathy Kyeremanteng:
I just wanted to share this photo and wonderful news with everyone … we got a kidney!!
So many of you have been with us during the years we sought support for our caregiver, Kherin, who was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition that put her quickly into kidney failure and on dialysis just 6 months after coming from the Philippines to live with and help our family, about 6 years ago now. It put her life, her immigration status, and her ability to see her kids (still in the Philippines, where she couldn’t return) in jeopardy.
Many of you responded with donations, letters to various government officials, and messages of support. And so I want to share the wonderful news that last Thursday Kherin got a kidney!! She is recovering very well, with a strong functioning kidney, and is hopeful for a long life ahead. To boot, just a few weeks ago she received approval for both of her kids to come join her in Canada and they will finally be reunited, after 6 years apart.
This end result of her troubled and long story fills our hearts with joy, as does the support that everyone gave her.
Thank you to all who supported her, in whatever way that was. Without exaggeration, this support gave her her life, her future, and her kids their mother and a future with her.
Please know she (and we all) are so grateful for everything
From Narima Dela Cruz’s post:
Remember the story of Kherin Dimalanta? A Filipina [former] temporary foreign worker [TFW] in Ottawa who was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition which affected her kidney and has been on dialysis since 2017?
Her immigration success story [from compassionate-ground approval to permanent residency] which is a tale of courage, generosity, compassion, and support has been told in different medium and we’ve been blessed to be one of those that crossed path with her story and be given the chance to do our little share to support and help out.
Today, March 9, is said to be “World Kidney Day” and I am happy to share that Kherin is now recovering from a kidney transplant and that soon, she will also be reunited with her children.
I am also delighted to share here below, with permission, one of Kherin‘s wonderful employers, Dr. Catherine Ogilvie‘s post about this great news.
It’s now a story of survival, a new lease at life, family reunification, and renewed hope. God is good.
Kherin’s story will now be a source of inspiration – with a world of thanks to the better side of Canada’s immigration system, and to Kherin’s incredibly supportive employers, Dr. Cathy & Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng.
On our end, we enthusiastically move on to our next share of success story in my beloved #FilipinoCanadian community and Canada’s immigrant community at-large. Mabuhay indeed!