Manny R. Masongsong who passed away July 12, 2019 will be buried on July 19. (Facebook)
Updated: July 17, 2019, 7:00 AM
Delta, B.C.
Computer specialist Manny R.Masongsong passes away
By Ted Alcuitas
After suffering from a long ailment, businessman Manny R. Masongsong died today, July 12, 2019, his family announced.
Brother Ed Masongsong calls him the “genius of the family” in breaking the news in a Facebook post today.
Masongsong was CEO and owner of Basilica Software which he co-founded with son Mark. Basilica Sofware is an IT management/eGovernance solutions provider company.
He spent his entire career in IT.
He was born in the Philippines but educated in Canada where he completed a Science degree major in Physics at York University.
He was a corporate IT Security Officer for Canacord Capital Corporation before starting his own company.
He is survived by wife Cora, daughter Melanie and sons Martin and Mark and several siblings.
Mark is CEO and co-founder of UrbanLogiq, a modern data company that provides community intelligence for governments.
Manny had an abiding interest in the Filipino diaspora and his homeland and conversations with him always included his ideas for improving the country using technology.
Writing about himself in his Facebook profile he wrote this:
“I believe that our value as individuals should not be measured by how thick our wallets are or how famous we have become, but instead, by the difference that we have made amongst our fellow human beings. That is why I think it would be ideal if each one of us would do something for someone else regardless of who it is. When we offer our services to others, we should do them out of the good of our hearts and not expect anything in return. I would be very happy when I leave this earth knowing that I have made a difference in some people’s lives.”
His dream was to set up a foundation to help the less fortunate hoping that in doing so, others would be inspired to do the same, taking inspiration from Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.
He wrote that “Mother Theresa lives in his heart, I hope she finds her way in yours too.”