Victoria, B.C.
Merging science and theatre
Dennis Gupa graduates from UVic Applied Theatre Faculty of Fine Arts
Teodoro ’Ted’ Alcuitas
Editor, PhilippineCanadianNews.Com (PCN.Com)
A life-long academic whose studies has brought him from his native Philippines to Indonesia and Canada, graduated from the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Fine Arts with a doctoral degree in Applied Theatre.
Dennis D. Gupa’s recent graduation is another addition to his many academic credentials. He received a scholarship from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to study contemporary theatre and traditional mask dance at Bandung’s Sekolah Tingi Seni Indonesia. The Asian Cultural Council’s awarded him a fellowship to undertake a director-in-residence program in New York City where he participated in and observed contemporary theatre directing process with Ma-Yi Theatre Co., National Asian American Theatre Co., and The Juilliard Drama School. He has an MFA Directing (Theatre) degree from University of British Columbia and MA Theatre at University of the Philippines.

He was awarded the Performance Studies international (PSi) Dwight Conquergood Award in 2016 and The Ada Slaight Drama in Education Award 2017. In addition to collaborating with ONC at UVic, Gupa was a visiting graduate research fellow at UVic’s Centre for Studies in Religion and Society in 2019/20 and a recipient of a 2017 student research fellowship from the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives at UVic. He is also a Vanier Scholar.
His research on traditional ecological knowledge and practices explores the interconnection of sea rituals, climate change and applied theatre.
Gupa’s research focuses on traditional ways of knowing, as well as storytelling and applied theatre, and how these elements can be drawn into important discussions and dialogue in support of social justice, community participation and climate action.
Gupa is also the most recent artist-in-residence with Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), a UVic initiative.
He sees the artistic residency—launched by the Faculty of Fine Arts and ONC two years ago—as a natural fit with his doctoral focus on Indigenous sea rituals, climate change and sustainable ecology.
Gupa, together with participating Filipino artists Karla Comanda, Roijin Suarez, Darren Vega, Thai Hoa Le and Jeremiah Carag, discussed the creation and intention of these pieces with event moderators ONC scientific data specialist Megan Kot and School of Music composer Taylor Brook.
From Oceans Networks Canada (ONC):
“By looking at the experience and knowledge of local people—who have been experiencing these climatic events for so many years, but are not really given a lot of opportunities to tell their stories—we can learn from their knowledge and wisdom. Our poetries and songs renew our kinship with the ocean.
The idea of artists working with scientists is nothing new to Dennis Gupa.
As with any applied theatre practitioner, Gupa also wants to use the tools of theatre and drama to help bring about social change and build a sense of community—and, in his case, to attempt to grapple with the gravity of global warming especially in the island nations of the world.
Applied theatre, traditional knowledge and climate crisis
Having grown up in the Philippines, Gupa has witnessed firsthand the threat of extreme weather events. With his country being a former colony—extending across 7,600 islands and known for its maritime history, marine diversity and Indigenous population—the parallels between the Philippines and Vancouver Island are clear to Gupa. He says this is probably the reason he decided to do his grad studies at UVic.
By looking at the experience and knowledge of local people—who have been experiencing these climatic events for so many years, but are not really given a lot of opportunities to tell their stories—we can learn from their knowledge and wisdom. Our poetries and songs renew our kinship with the ocean.
Gupa’s research focuses on traditional ways of knowing, as well as storytelling and applied theatre, and how these elements can be drawn into important discussions and dialogue in support of social justice, community participation and climate action.
And he very much believes in bringing people together to share stories. Gupa says, “I create interdisciplinary work with a kinship among knowledge disciplines. One of the fascinating functions of an artist is being an interlocutor, bringing people together to share our stories.”
He conducted field work in the Samar-Leyte region of the Philippines, working closely with local elders on the island community of Guiuan, where the super typhoon Yolanda in 2013—one of the deadliest on record—first made landfall.
Strengthening connections between art and science
Sharing stories is exactly what Gupa has in mind with the ONC initiative: recently repositioned as an opportunity for graduate students in UVic’s Faculty of Fine Arts, the ONC artist-in-residence program exists to strengthen connections between art and science, and ignite cross-disciplinary exchanges around the major issues facing oceans today.
This residency program comes at a time of crisis in ocean sustainability. Science-art collaborations such as this one bring together the insight and power of two ways of looking at the world, and will hopefully lead to new understanding and greater benefits for our ocean and our future.
—ONC chief scientist Kim Juniper
While the pandemic is complicating Gupa’s original idea to create an immersive, ONC data-fueled performance experience involving the Filipino diaspora community—including playwright Karla Comanda, Vietnamese-Canadian actor Thai-Hoa Le, classical singer Jeremiah Carag and Philippine-based composer Darren Vega—Gupa is still hopeful about uniting these two worlds during his spring 2021 residency.
“How can we share our stories with the scientists, and what does that mean to them to listen to immigrants?” Gupa ponders. “How does our history of exile connect with the history of climate disaster? We’ve never really tapped into that or discussed it in a scientific space.”
For Gupa, the ONC residency is less a challenge and more a cumulative opportunity between his artistic and academic pursuits.
“There’s a lesson in fluidity that this water is teaching me and I’d like to bring that to the fore in my work … it’s not just a fascination, but water is so embodied in my work as an artist. It’s beautiful but it’s also dangerous. We cannot wait any longer for inclusive and deeper collaborations to make things better for all living things in this earth—both seen and unseen.”
Social justice for the seas
“When we think of the water, I think of social justice,” Gupa adds. “As an archipelagic country surrounded by water, the Philippines have been suffering from ocean disasters due to climate change: resources are depleting, coral are bleaching, fish are dying and the waters are warming so the fish don’t have food. So what do they do? They migrate, just like Filipinos—fish are the first climate refugees.”
Gupa has also been looking at how climate change has impacted Canadian Filipino diaspora communities, with whom he created and then toured a highly collaborative theatrical production in 2018 (Victoria, Vancouver, Winnipeg).

Interdisciplinary conversations on global issues
In addition to collaborating with ONC at UVic, Gupa was a visiting graduate research fellow at UVic’s Centre for Studies in Religion and Society in 2019/20 and a recipient of a 2017 student research fellowship from the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives at UVic. He is also a Vanier Scholar.
Scientists spend hours in their labs thinking about their work, similar to what theatre and performance artists do in their rehearsal spaces. We’re all exploring and searching for meaning; this kind of interdisciplinary conversation simply lets us be better adjusted to global issues.
Gupa also spent a decade at the University of the Philippines Los Baños where, in addition to teaching theatre, he was named the first head of the Office of Arts and Science Fusion Program.
In 2011, Gupa received a grant from the Asian Cultural Council (established by John D. Rockefeller III) for six months in as the director-in-residence with Ma-Yi Theatre Company in New York City.
His collaborative work has also won support from the British Columbia Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts, World Bank Manila Office/Australian Agency for International Development, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity and the Dharmasiswa Scholarship through the Indonesian government’s Ministry of Education, among many others.
Gupa has an MFA Directing (Theatre) degree from UBC and an MA (Theatre) from University of the Philippines.