The body of alleged PDEA (Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency) agent Von Rian Tecson inside his car ambushed at Perrelos, Carcar City yesterday (August 8). (Cebu Daily News photo)
Ambush in Perrelos, Carcar City
By Ted Alcuitas
A daring broad daylight ambush today (August 8) in a stretch of South Cebu highway in the barrio of Perrelos, Carcar City has claimed the lives of at least two people including the occupant of the car.
From conversations (in Cebuano) heard in a video posted by Athena Dela Cruz Añasco, the ambushers followed the car and opened fire. Thirteen to 15 shots were fired according to a woman heard in the video. She said she immediately called police when she heard the shots.
Athena Dela Cruz Añasco (link to live video)
Conversations indicate there was a shot-out between the attackers and the occupants of the car. The driver allegedly escaped.
Cebu Daily News photo
It seems the attackers were riding in a bike, the usual method of killings prevalent in the country today.
Police and onlookers are seen milling around the ambushed car and an empty stretcher lays on the ground.
Police did not cordon off the scene of the crime and busses and cars are seen allowed pass through.
Onlookers are skeptical, as far as we can gather from their conversations. Police arrested a suspect but was “just dragging him around – gi dala-dala lang sa pulis.” They don’t believed he was a true suspect.
At about the 15 min. mark of the 20-minute video, the police siren is heard.
Just three days ago, a policeman was killed in an alleged abortive assassination attempt on a councilman in Cebu City.