Toronto,Winnipeg and Vancouver held big rallies
Updated: April 26, 2022, 9:00 P.M.
Supporters of the Leni-Kiko team held successful and well-attendd events to celebrate Leni Robredo’s 57th birthday. In Canada’s largest city, Toronto, where the most number of Filipinos reside, the ralllysts dwarfed a rally by Marcos supporters held on the same day. While hundreds throng to Bales Park to show their support of Robredo a few Marcos supporters held their own event.
In Winnipeg, supporters gathered at the Valour Community Centre for food, music and fun on April 23. Sooo much fun that Dante Aviso had a dream the following night. Here is Dante’s post:
Meanwhile in Vancouver, B.C. the Leni-Kiko supporters held their Kalikasan, Klima, Kalusugan at the Sunrise Community Hall on April 24.
All photos: Tess Carillo